yawn....went to watch a bluegrass band last night at the pub, they were okay, but not what I'd call bluegrass. More like they took more rock songs and played them with a banjo and mandolin.
I had some beers, which for some strange reason (like greed) Norman charged a quarter more for. Now sitting at the bar for 3 hours doing the math, I figured old Norm was raking it in. I counted around 75 people in there - at 3 bucks a cover (225) and for every drink he was adding a quarter. I'm sure he sold over 400 drinks last night (1000 on top of his usual profit margin) He had 3 bartenders instead of the usual one (-80 bucks), who were making killer tips. Probably paid the band about 400, (-400) so on top of his usual Friday night haul, he probably raked in about 750 bucks. It's a wonder he doesn't get band s in there more often.
At least this time I drank smart and alternated beer with water. I was getting tired of waking up with headaches everytime I have more than 2 drinks. Plus my old body can't hang with the after effects of alcohol as good as it used to.
Well, guess it's time to start the day. What to do? Clean, cook, compute?