fraidy's haven

Friday, May 05, 2006

Rosie cont'd

This is one of my favorite pic's of Rosie, a.k.a Ro-Ro, Rodeo, Nut-job and Noodles.....

When I logged into Petfinder, I wasn't even looking for a new dog, I was browsing for a new kitten for a friend of mine. I came across a local cat rescue group that had a link to another group called Sheltered Paws. Being a button pusher (like someone else I know), I clicked onto the link. I scrolled through the various doggy pics until the one in my previous post caught my eye. Here was a pup that looked almost dead-on to Roxie! Seeing as my other two pets were black, and 99% of my furniture and clothes are dark and don't show pet hair, I thought another black dog would fit in well. So I clicked to see her profile.
She was cute enough, looked to be the right age and size, and was!

Since hubby did his Humpty-Dumpty act off the roof, we didn't have much spare cash to adopt a dog. I had seen some of the other rescue groups prices were way out of our meager budget, and hoped this one wasn't. I filled out the online adoption application, composed a lovely note from Roxie and sent it off.
I was approved! And they agreed to let Rosie go for 80 dollars, which is less than the usual fee. I don't know whether it was my sob story about how I would rather spend money on actually taking care of the dog instead of adoption fees, or the fact that Rosie's foster mom was moving in a week and she needed to find a home, but it didn't matter.
That weekend, her foster mom was kind enough to bring Rosie to my workplace so Roxie and I could meet her. When I saw her face to face, she sure didn't look like her picture. She had more of a Rottie look than Lab,and was older than she looked in her picture, I was a bit put off. Having never owned or known a Rott, I was a little apprehensive about the breed's reputation, but Rosie's sunny personality won me over. Roxie wasn't annoyed by her, so I guess she was acceptable to her also. I handed over my cash and signed the adoption papers. Rosie was now a member of the household.
That was 3 years ago, and I found out that Rosie not only loved apples, but just about anything you would find in the produce section-fruit or vegetable. This dog would eat raw onions, prefers bananas to a rawhide chew and I can't count the number of times I have almost nicked her nose while trying to peel potatos. I knew red grapes grapes are a no-no as they contain the same chemical as chocolate, but I wasn't sure about other produce. To be safe I looked it up on the net. Potatoes and onions and quite a few other fruits and veggies are not good for dogs because they can cause anemia and other health problems. Thankfully, bananas and carrots are safe.As well as tomatoes, which is a good thing, because the little bitch steals them from the garden before I get a chance to pick them. Nothing like waiting all winter for that first homegrown tomato and finding it in the yard with a bite mark on it. Worse yet, she has taught Roxie to steal them too. This year I am planting two gardens, one for the dogs, and one with a 4 foot high fence around it.

and those are all my critters.........


  • For some reason, I'm picturing Rosie,Roxie and Dowser waving goodbye to Mommy as she pulls off down the street for work~~ then Dowser saying " OK guys, just like we practiced~~ pyramid!!Rosie bottom, Roxie you take the middle~~ I'll take the top~~HA!!4ft fence indeed!!
    Loved meeting all your pets!!Darn sure hope you find something else to write about. ;)

    By Blogger Kelly, at 7:13 PM  

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