fraidy's haven

Friday, April 14, 2006


Off work today, so why was I up at 3:30? Maybe falling asleep on the couch at 8 last night had something to do with it. Storms rolling through right now at 5 a.m., hope it dries out enought to mow later today. My poor yard is a disaster; I would love to fix it up, but it's not on my critical list of things to pay for. My dream is to get rid of the dead hot tub, demolish the deck and build a stone patio. I would also love to strip the stuff passing for a lawn, get about 12 loads of topsoil and regrade the yard. The sand pit where the pool used to be really needs to be dealt with, and I picture a lovely covered arbor, butterfly garden and veggie plot. (Sigh) that's what imaginations are for. Maybe this summer I'll finally paint the garage- I was going to do it when we moved in 10 years ago, but now that we have the new siding on the house, the garage looks worse than ever. I need to track down some new hinges for my garage doors. The house was built in the late 20's so hopefully I can find some original-looking hinges.
The reality.........we only get about a week around here when it's not too hot or too cold or raining. When I get home from work, I'm tired, and on my days off during the summer I'm either catching up on housework, or helping Holly at festivals. I don't have enough saved yet to hire someone to do it, and since the hubby fell off the roof and broke his heel a couple of years ago, he can't stand on a ladder for any length of time. Oh well, enough rambling for now, time to mop the kitchen......


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